#LiteraryAdventCalendar Day 10.
A first paragraph, this time. Armistead Maupin hits the ground running from the first word of 'Tales of the City' - who wouldn't want to read on?
A first paragraph, this time. Armistead Maupin hits the ground running from the first word of 'Tales of the City' - who wouldn't want to read on?
Alan Bennet pays tribute to Thora Hird.
A perfect build to an exquisite punchline from Father Ted, by Graham Linehan and Arthur Mathews. The parochial house gets a visit from senior nun, Sister Assumpta (click to see the whole thing):
A little excerpt from one of Susie Steiner’s Manon Bradshaw novels; how many writers of police procedurals can produce not only a gripping plot but also brilliantly funny glimpses of a believable domestic life? What a star Susie was....
Clive James in his role as TV critic, joyfully eviscerating 'The Man From Atlantis', a truly terrible 70s series starring Patrick Duffy, (who was also dreadful in 'Dallas'):
A brief extract from Monica Dickens' autobiography, casually packing more drama into a single sentence than most people manage in an entire volume.