1/Time to go with the flow!
If you see abnormal vessels, do you say “vascular malformation” & hope the endovascular guy figures it out?
This months AJNR SCANtastic has the latest on cerebrovascular lesions:
Here’s the cheat sheet of imaging vascular malformations!
If you see abnormal vessels, do you say “vascular malformation” & hope the endovascular guy figures it out?
This months AJNR SCANtastic has the latest on cerebrovascular lesions:
Here’s the cheat sheet of imaging vascular malformations!
--Arteriovenous malformation (AVM): it's a true malformation so you see a nidus of vessels
--Dural arteriovenous fistula (dAVF): it's a fistula, so it’s a direct connection. You see abnormal vessels but NO NIDUS
--Cavernous malformation (cav mal): has a popcorn appearance.
Remember: KavMal looks like Kernel or a kernel of pop corn
--Capillary telangiectasia (cap tel): has hazy enhancement, susceptibility signal loss & T2 signal.
Remember: It looks like a capillary bed if you could see one!
--Developmental venous anomaly (DVA): has a caput medusa appearance (looks like the snakes on Medusa’s head)
Remember: DVA looks like DIVA and Medusa was a true DIVA!
You can check it out for yourself: https://www.ajnr.org/content/45/12/1878
There are variations or mixed malformations, but these are the building blocks.
Hopefully, now you won’t have any more consternation about vascular malformations!