the part about ace people doing the best NSFW Art is SOOOO REAL!!! I'll always be grateful to the ace community for helping me see my own sexuality as an ongoing process instead of something set on stone. That helped me understand myself a lot!!🖤🤍💜
Oh sweet, good to learn something new about you! I've been doing some thinking and soul-searching myself; may or may not be aromatic? Idk, still figuring shit out😅
Um, depends. It could be a lack of sexual attraction or a general avoidance of sex. It could also take a form of an alternative sexuality that falls under the umbrella of it, like autosexual.
Uh, just think of it as a lack of sexual feelings. That's the simplest way to describe it. It gets more complicated than that, but that's the easiest way to think of it.
You have no idea how validating it is to see this. I love your art and comics. It’s absolutely wonderful to see the attention to communication and consent you give to your work.
based on what i've seen some of the horniest people on earth are asexuals. i think having some disconnection from the physical act unchains you from the mortal realm allowing a direct connection to the underlying horny energy feild.
Yeah, I feel ya! Making NSFW and realizing my motivations are different than a lot of my peers has been such a trip. It's helped me figure out what I like about the art I pursue too!
I’m curious, what makes ace people want to draw porn? It’s kinda hard to wrap my head around tbh. It’s like hearing that a straight dude likes to draw gay porn.
My lack of interest or desire for physical sexual intimacy doesn't mane I don't have my own libido or drive! I'm so into my kink that it is literally my primary job of illustration, because it is directly tied to me exploring an idea/subject matter that is explicitly tied to the fetish themes of it.
Similar to Gender and Sexual Orientation, Asexuality also exists on a spectrum. We're as varied and diverse as any other part of the greater queer community. A lot of my favorite fetish artists who work in the same space as me are also pretty much as kinky as they are Ace.
So is it like, you can have sexual desires and find things hot, just not necessarily a desire to have sex. Did I get it right? I think I can understand that.
Yeah, that's basically it. I 100% find things hot. I'm homo-romantic and crush on like big monster dudes and lots of big male characters. The natural point my attraction and fantasies lead up to isn't ever physical sex, but this isn't from a lack of feeling attraction or even arousal.
Since I’ve realized and embraced my own asexuality I’ve found it easier to explore my sexuality more fully and to better understand myself and the things I enjoy!
Uh, just think of it as a lack of sexual feelings. That's the simplest way to describe it. It gets more complicated than that, but that's the easiest way to think of it.
Since I’ve realized and embraced my own asexuality I’ve found it easier to explore my sexuality more fully and to better understand myself and the things I enjoy!