someone’s adding every trans person they can find to a blocklist called “Gold Star Dislikers”
if you don’t know what this means, a “gold star” is a cis gay who never fucked a trans person
the term is mostly used by straights as an excuse to hate trans people while somehow making it “pro-gay”
if you don’t know what this means, a “gold star” is a cis gay who never fucked a trans person
the term is mostly used by straights as an excuse to hate trans people while somehow making it “pro-gay”
but being with a trans woman isn’t gonna sully you or something, and it’s disgusting to imply that.
“gold star” lesbians are ones who never touched a penis
oppression always comes from the brain, but i suppose that’s easy to forget because men famously think with their dick a lot
The movement was largely dead before I was even born
nobody really gives a shit whether a given gay person has had a limited amount of variety in their sexual experience
the whole reason transphobes call these people “gold star” is as a way to say they never “stooped” to having sex that wasn’t entirely cis and gay
if that was all it meant in this context, I would not have ended up on a blocklist over it
I am not someone who has ever expressed issue with anyone for not having sexual relationships they weren’t interested in
These people are complaining about gay/lesbian couples where one or both members are trans.
Did I get that right?
Often because they have ever had sex with a trans person, but sometimes because they are bisexual or they tried straight sex one time just to see what it was like or whatever
Like what in the internalized transphobia is this???
I have never interacted with either person and I have never expressed an opinion on this topic
yet I was added to the list, seemingly purely for being openly trans
kinda seems like a shitty transphobe made up some people for plausible deniability