2 Mondays ago we got a new patient.
We talk about music. He's about 60ish.
I know he's going to bang-on about Pink Floyd.
I know I'm going to have to listen to him talk about bloody Darkside of the bloody Moon.
"What I keep coming back to is..." he says.
& starts the pop of P.
We talk about music. He's about 60ish.
I know he's going to bang-on about Pink Floyd.
I know I'm going to have to listen to him talk about bloody Darkside of the bloody Moon.
"What I keep coming back to is..." he says.
& starts the pop of P.
Bloody Pink Floyd, I think.
He continues "PJ Harvey."
Come to my bosom my new best friend!
We talk & talk & talk.
PJ Harvey. Tricky. Music. Music. Music.
His taste is wide & varied.
A life-long consumer of music.
Music is IMPORTANT to him.
He thanks me in front of the therapists.
He thanks me in front of the Doctors.
He thanks me when we're alone.
His wife & daughters thank me.
I. Didn't. Do. Anything.
Today he said that he wanted a word.
On the way there he gives me a book. Hell Is Round The Corner. Tricky's autobiography.
Little acts of kindness can make me very emotional.
We get to the day room.
He explains how grateful he is for everything I did/do for him.
I. Didn't. Do. Anything...
"I have kept only the ones that really, really matter to me. I want you to have them."
There were tears.