More than 60,000 households in London are homeless and living in temporary accommodation.
What does the latest data show? Why does it matter? And what needs to change?
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What does the latest data show? Why does it matter? And what needs to change?
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While waiting for a home, people are often housed in temporary accommodation
As the name suggests TA was only ever meant to be temporary, but people can be stuck in TA for years.
In 2023 – the last year we have full data for – 61,000 households were in TA, almost 50% higher than a decade earlier.
The data from the first half of 2024 suggests this is set to increase again.
By another estimate based on surveys of local authorities by, the number of individuals in TA is much higher: 183,000.
That’s 1 Londoner for every 50, and 1 child in every classroom
But in just about every borough, the problem is acute.
And in seven London boroughs, the proportion of residents in TA is *five times higher* than in the rest of England.
As a last resort, though, councils are increasingly using B&Bs – which often lack proper space for families and are unsuitable as long-term homes.