If you vaccinate your autistic child, you'll be able to blame autism on the vaccine instead of your own malfunctioning gene pool.
If you don't vaccinate your autistic child, then you can just blame your DEAD autistic child on anything except your malfunctioning gene pool.
After birth abortions.
If you don't vaccinate your autistic child, then you can just blame your DEAD autistic child on anything except your malfunctioning gene pool.
After birth abortions.
There is an argument to say that without autistic brains mankind would not have survived the stone age 😉
Same goes for ‘Autism Moms’ bemoaning how hard it is to raise autistic kids.
As if ‘normal’ kids are easy 🙄
None of the parents (magiccally) are getting measles, so they are safe behind vaccinations.
My parents studied their way out of poverty and I'm pretty sure the neurodivergence was a contributing factor. It's an adaptation not a malfunction.
You're still alive and I assume your children are as Well.
I'm childfree by choice, vaccinated against everything but rabies (not endemic on my island) and I still had measles as a child because there wasn't a vaccine in the 1970s.
None of that gives you the right to call autistic genes a malfunction. We've been around forever
Parents letting their children die by premeditated choice of a preventable illness is the gene pool malfunction.
And being brainwashed into a cult can happen to anyone. Genetics are irrelevant here
Or even Quantum stuff. I cannot do the math but I can visualize what they are talking about. 😁
If you are blaming autism on anything beyond the poisoning of the planet (nature) then you're obviously coming from a place of malfunction.