The stupid right doesn't seem to understand how much money goes into his golfing trips and how that has made him LARGE amounts of money. More than the "salary" he isn't taking
Since the presidential families are made to pay for their daily meals, why wouldn't golfing fall under this, just asking. Also loophole to be closed for future presidents. I have to believe today there will be future elected presidents. My middle name today is fragility.
I took absolutely no offense at all. I am celebrating that I have not typed one "fuck" in any comments today. I think that is the first time since Jan 20. I am sure the feeling will pass by tomorrow. Yeah, I will be at a peaceful protest tomorrow. Chanting will help and being with fellow Americans
Who needs the salary when you're living is 100% subsidized by the taxpayer, you're running a crypto gift with a side of undeclared foreign agent, and are cozying up to sanctioned Russian oligarchs.
How did Republicans gain power? Answer: The only way they could have: Refusing to obey our laws and constitution, lying & using propaganda. Worse, refused to convict a traitor and turning traitors themselves. Like Trump, they have abandoned our friends and endorsed adversaries like Putin and Orban!
Or a weekend, that mango moron doesn't discriminate when he steals
We won't get anymore "future presidents" if We don't drag his shitty ass OUT😡
We need to focus on elections we can trust again
And the suckers are letting me do it!
Fuck Trump