It’s so much more than this. Social Security is just that… a small degree of financial security for millions who would otherwise have difficulty paying their bills. Without it homelessness would soar for seniors and disabled .
Technically, the social security we pay today is funding the retirement of people who are retired right now. The idea is to care for our elders so that when we become elders, others will care for us. Destroying the SSA removes a crucial safety net, and there will be no money to return.
Not necessarily. Between my contributions and what my employers contributed on my behalf, it's right at $400k. That's NOT including any interest over the 47 years I paid into the system. At my current level of benefits, that's about 12 1/2 years. I'm 63 now. My mother died at age 49, father at 55.
I want my money, the money my company paid in on my behalf and all the interest. I believe I will charge 50% interest for the inconvenience and mental anguish.
And they might try even that- a $800 check and a gold note proclaiming trumps generosity:
“Here is your retirement. Don’t spend it all in one place.
generously, comrade trumpski”
Damn fucking straight! This was a contract. The government took my money without my consent in exchange for an expectation of funds available when I retire or need it.
Yeah, I'm frustrated. We need to seriously consider moving to Mexico. The healthcare is cheaper as is everything else. The people are friendly and the climate is wonderful especially near the peninsula.
That wasn’t a donation
“Here is your retirement. Don’t spend it all in one place.
generously, comrade trumpski”
Give me the money I paid into it.