The law isnt really just there. There is a process (thats never been used) which is long and complicated. Its also completely untested in court. The people reporting she could just decide to remove him on her own are flat wrong
the process would likely last past the upcoming primary especially with likely appeals before he would actually get removed. The citizens of NY can ditch this guy by voting him out
You know, we had a whole thing just like this last year where we relied on people voting against a guy instead of dealing with his actual criminal actions. You might remember how it went! Even if we're confident he'll be primaried, there NEED to be ongoing internal processes to remove him.
the people that think she could have just made a decision today to remove him should. I dont think he should be the mayor any longer, but its not that easy. NY technically has a process but its not open and shut and would likely go past the upcoming primary before its even near settled. Vote him out
Why you sit there and take it? Start the process now. Who gives a shit if it's complicated. Get it going. The idea to just wait it out, and I'm sure keep fundraising, is very Democrat though I'll give you that.
Do you have a source on this process? Everything I've found suggests you have it exactly backwards. The law really is there.
“The Mayor may be removed from office by the Governor upon charges and after service upon him of a copy of the charges and an opportunity to be heard in his defense.”
So it may be difficult, so lets tuck tail & go home? Meanwhile the 🤡🍊 has declared himself king
I'm an American, an Army Vet when shit gets tuff we don't give up & go home. We say fuck it and drive on, I want to see this in the Dems
“The Mayor may be removed from office by the Governor upon charges and after service upon him of a copy of the charges and an opportunity to be heard in his defense.”