I'd imagine for the vocals you've used a number of filter tables with different parts of the actual vocal sample in series and you're just setting one of them to 100% mix and keep all the others at 0, is that correct?
Yeah! That’s what that giant train of Remaps is for
I recorded the vocals (but just staying on one note instead of singing the actual melody) (and pitched it up an octave) then chopped that up into 4-beat chunks
Also, we do plan to lift the limit on modulators at some point in the future. It requires a bit of a significant change in the base code and isn't impossible, just a bit of a big job. Currently you can get up to 32, which most regular folk do not need. 😅
i mean the limit absolutely makes sense (my laptop gave up so many times trying to record this), i just hadn't ever considered the possibility of it before, what you've already made is phenomenal!!
i left the patch in a reply to the main tweet but if thats not showing up i can always DM it to you!!!
is the voice coming from a stem resynthesized in a filtertable or?
I'd imagine for the vocals you've used a number of filter tables with different parts of the actual vocal sample in series and you're just setting one of them to 100% mix and keep all the others at 0, is that correct?
I recorded the vocals (but just staying on one note instead of singing the actual melody) (and pitched it up an octave) then chopped that up into 4-beat chunks
but yeah, sick patch, mad impressive!
anyways https://drive.google.com/file/d/1byQcF9GdvcetOcFaVpZBoXjfjgJL4xCE/view?usp=sharing
Also, we do plan to lift the limit on modulators at some point in the future. It requires a bit of a significant change in the base code and isn't impossible, just a bit of a big job. Currently you can get up to 32, which most regular folk do not need. 😅
i left the patch in a reply to the main tweet but if thats not showing up i can always DM it to you!!!