These comments from Norma Foley at the INTO’s education debate are beginning to cause a stir in teacher circles.
Is the abject shortage of teachers - where it’s almost impossible to get a substitute teacher - a ‘crisis’?
The minister would prefer to label it an “opportunity”…
Is the abject shortage of teachers - where it’s almost impossible to get a substitute teacher - a ‘crisis’?
The minister would prefer to label it an “opportunity”…
This totally sounds like an opportunity 🙄
Meanwhile, in Ireland, where we actually live, the government has destroyed the state education system.
It doesn't matter to them because they can avail of a private education for their children.
I noticed it when I returned home 10 years ago.
Ask them about healthcare and the answer could be along the line of "be grateful you don't live in Yemen".
Things like that are a dead giveaway.