I’ve tried to be fair but if we now face tax hikes & cuts to public services to fill a £20bn black hole in the public finances we must have an honest discussion about the negative impact of Brexit & the role it has played in creating it
Apologies to any cosmologists reading this.
'But it all starts with the first step.' Try accepting that is exactly what Starmer is doing. A supermajority is a specifically US thing and 51% ± 3% is not really a majority is it.
The biggest hurdle is internally. I think those who feel disenfranchised need to see efforts to improve their situations first. #UKPolitics
The alternative is to scrap pensions and force people to work until they drop. I don’t suppose they’ll like that idea being generally pretty old themselves.
They’re rubbing there hands with joy,shareholders and coining it in and the hard working man is paying the price