First Brexit, now Trump and Musk: ignorance is back with a vengeance
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When 2 Russians used Novichok on UK. Trump was with PM May at Chequers at the time.
"Telling him how bad it was he asked why. We said nuclear Russia had deployed nerve agents in UK even with our nukes, he said, 'I didn't know the UK had nuclear weapons'
The last thing we need are further cuts when the impact of austerity is all around us
but the idea that the UK should be considering further cuts in public spending at a time like this is dangerous.
Applies to re-election of criminal Donald Trump, and continuing damage being wrought upon itself by a British electorate, 37% of whom voted, in frustration for Brexit. They did not know what they were letting themselves in for; but they do now.” Dutton?
Who will step up?
And experience is useless unless there's a determination to learn from past mistakes.
The UK can lead by admitting failures, and courageously doing the right thing moving forward.
There's no credibility or honour in digging a deeper hole.