Trump's Gaza solution betrays his ignorance of history - and could make the conflict worse
Contrary to the US president's claim that many countries have offered to help take Palestinians in, none have done so publicly
Contrary to the US president's claim that many countries have offered to help take Palestinians in, none have done so publicly
& that's on top of the generation of American haters, who are actually American, and live in America; right now...
Every nations secret squirrel organisations; are having a very interesting coffee morning this morning.
He doesn't actually believe it.
Oh wait, that was somebody else's plan
All it exposés, is the truth of the original land grab plan, despite their denials, with the obvious oil and gas reserves offshore..
And they've purposely murdered kids to get there...
Absolute filth...
This is insane, illegal, illogical
I wouldn’t be surprised if it ensures an arms race.
Sovereign Nations have a right to defend themselves, as per International Law.
Who would trust that Israel or the USA wouldn’t just look for another potential development site to grab.
' #Jordan is one of the world’ s largest #refugee hosting countries per capita. Some 620,000 women, men and children from #Syria are registered as refugees with #UNHCR, in addition to nearly 70,000 refugees of other nationalities, of whom #Iraqis are the largest group'
You MUST be loud now and distance .
Two greedy Nazis
and a greedy Jew
who steps on everyone
Who is the worst?
Did any media even mention the arrest warrant out for Netanyahu?
So what next a them park how about calling it genocide land…
Why does the world have to tolerate this delinquent ignorant moronic man child.
Half of the planet doesn't know the real story of #Palestinians
I’d hoped his vanity, his entirely vain desire for a Nobel Peace Prize would trump real estate but no.
It's all bluff and bluster
Displacing people. In the beginning, I believe Nazis did exactly that to the Jews. Leaving them without a homeland & without citizenship. Taking their homes & treasures.
How dare Israel go along with that
Resorts for lives.
This is the syphilis driven Mad King Ludwig levels of frothing insanity we have in charge of 10000 nuclear weapons.
All to inflate his ego.
Then he gets mad when he is called out on the lies.
Narrow minded Twat.