“What drives me is, is what I’m saying and doing more likely to bring about a lasting peace or not. If the answer is yes I’ll do it, if not I won’t do it”
Prime Minister Keir Starmer
Prime Minister Keir Starmer
On the one hand advocating for peace in one war and wholeheartedly partaking in genocide in another.
You want me to click on some photos with traffic lights in? Uncomfortable questions don’t disappear by wrongly attributing them to Bots I’m afraid.
Starmer is no peacekeeper.
You even said the words.
Go and find a thread about the subject you want to talk about.
What about the overt racism rise on the right?
See? I can do it too.
If you can’t see the connection I’ll explain it you. Starmer talking about wanting peace in Ukraine while supplying military and media support to Netanyahu. Condemning one dictator while supporting another. Clear enough?
By the time you lot realize Zelensky is Euro Bibi, it will be to late.
The US independent journalist scene has verified this is being used to collapse nation states to be run as private corporate subsidiaries of the USA.
This is fascism Starmer is chasing!
Following you.