The hidden costs of cutting the benefits bill
Hits to businesses, more pressure on the NHS, and more families forced into poverty could outweigh the short-term savings, experts warn
Hits to businesses, more pressure on the NHS, and more families forced into poverty could outweigh the short-term savings, experts warn
'long-term reliance on state support' = call it #BasicIncome if it makes you feel better. If there are no jobs, people don't survive.
This tired old capitalist rhetoric needs to stop.
#WelfareCuts #PIP #UC
This is what they don't want you to know.
£5b in cuts is £5b+ cut from circulation. A loss to all local business, their staff and suppliers. Everyone loses.
What do they gain
It's really hurting people, GPs are already seeing more people in their surgery's
To quote Shami Chakrabarti "You never improved anyone's mental health by pushing them into poverty"