All who support the action took at the joke of the #stateoftheunion and can spare a few $ should send him a thank you in the form of a donation. I believe this will inspire other members to act.
I called the WH and Speaker Johnson.Talk to a message taker at WH,left message Johnson voicemail.
Among other things, I wanted 2 know if any of the Republicans are going to be censured or disciplined for disruptive & non decorum for singing while was being escorted out
Solidarity in the Democratic Party! I wish. Yes, they ALL should have stood by him. I’m emailing, texting etc all the cowards who let him stand up for our country alone.
Waving those incredibly stupid paddles to show themselves to be the lame losers they have chosen to become. They confused SOTU with craft night. Fire every last one of them.
I just called Mike Johnson and gave him an earful regarding his Hypocrisy, he did absolutely nothing when Marjorie Taylor Greene kept heckling Biden. Everyone needs to bombard his phone 318-840-0309. The Democrats need to get bold and dirty!!!
Among other things, I wanted 2 know if any of the Republicans are going to be censured or disciplined for disruptive & non decorum for singing while was being escorted out
P.s. Now I can’t get this song out of my head.