The prioritisation of court cases must be changed to stop victims of horrific crimes facing years-long waits for trials as less serious crimes are bumped ahead in queue, barristers and victims’ advocates have said
A listing review is set to report back next week
A listing review is set to report back next week
Trials for those on bail have no set time limit and slip further back
“We need to have a conversation about priorities. It's very hard to explain to a victim of rape why her case is being adjourned because someone who has supplied Class A drugs is remanded in custody and gets priority over them."
She said the legal framework governing judges' listing decisions was a “matter for the government” and called for a new strategy
“Action is needed to ensure a consistent approach to listing that prioritises vulnerable victims who may otherwise withdraw from the process"
She has commissioned a review of listing "best practice" which will report back next week
The government has commissioned an independent review of the criminal courts by Sir Brian Leveson which will look at potential “structural changes” to reduce delays