It’s not a protecting “them”, but a need to protect “us”. Everyone is in danger if the hate-filled pages of Project 2025 become official
US policy. Not to mention the danger from foreign powers and terrorists who take umbrage at what passes for diplomacy amid the Trump fascist brigade.
Yes, I agree I said that wrong. I am not trying to be the white savior. But I also know I am either part of the problem or the solution or both. And I'm feeling pretty powerless lately.
I did not mean to imply you said anything wrong, just reinforcing that they will come after us all. I would not be at all surprised if we see those of us who post here targeted for inciting unrest or some other trumped up charge.
I was just talking about this w/my cousins who both have all boys. Blanket immunity for police is scary. Our kids are already seen as adults, before they even turn 18.
We've endured hidden micro aggression for literal centuries. Now we know where to direct our efforts, and only true supporters will finally act on our behalf. I may not be a kid anymore, but as an adult I know what they went through, can vividly imagine the future, and will ensure their safety.
Yes, I'm worried for anyone whose skin color is about level #3 on my toaster [like my grandson]. We are facing Interesting Times ahead and it's not good at all !!
There is so much fear in my heart for these children (my students). It’s already started, and I don’t even want to imagine how much worse it will get. One day at a time.
US policy. Not to mention the danger from foreign powers and terrorists who take umbrage at what passes for diplomacy amid the Trump fascist brigade.
Black and Latino children, First Nations, LGBTQ+, women, the poor and working poor.. more than I can think to name. 💔