Two young sisters, kidnapped at 7-11 after their tires were slashed, thrown 500 feet off Fremont Canyon after being raped. Oldest survived, climbed out, naked, broken pelvis. She went back, jumped off, committed suicide when Wyoming was considering parole for the attackers. Some deserve death.
The death penalty is not wrong.
It's not as evil as locking a person in solitude confinement for 23 hours a day, with no window and no lights out.
Timothy McVey was smart.
You're going from one extreme to another. The American "justice" system doesn't promote rehabilitation only punishment. A person can serve a life sentence without being treated inhumanely.
Whether someone gets on death row or not has a lot to do with their and their victim's socioeconomic background and ethnicity. In other Western nations they actively work on rehabilitation. We just throw away the baby with the bath water. Our reluctance to help those who really need it is much of
We have people arent in prison and they dont have guality of life.
My next question is can you "define quality of life" ?
"Quality of life" and "my rights" are determined by where you live.
I’m pro choice and pro death penalty if your caught red handed or evidence is irrefutably. I’m for locking felon and trumpanzees up and giving them seeds to grow their own food and a bicycle hooked to a battery for them to generate power.
It's not as evil as locking a person in solitude confinement for 23 hours a day, with no window and no lights out.
Timothy McVey was smart.
My next question is can you "define quality of life" ?
"Quality of life" and "my rights" are determined by where you live.