A commercial license, instrument rating, and 530 hours of flight time. I'm a little under 1,000 off from the minimum to get my ATP, but I think it's fair to say I'm more than qualified to speak on this (especially when I came with stats from a government site)
You ought to rely less on stats and use fact and common sense instead. In the US we now have a big problem with air safety and you ought to stop defending it all with stats. Start being a commercial pilot and we’ll talk. Good night from here.
The fact is there hasn't been a sudden increase in accidents. Common sense says it's being sensationalized by the media. I'm not saying our system is perfect and Trump will definitely make it worse if he goes through with planned cuts. Still not warrent your original comm.
It all makes sense to everybody except you. Tourists are already staying away from our unfriendly skies and the public too.
I can’t remember any time with this many commercial and private accidents. Do better FAA and ATC.
Private planes have more accidents, and as most fly commercial, the stats are useless. In the US we have had far too many accidents with doors bolts missing, helicopters flying too close to airports, delays due to ATC shortage, overcrowding of aircraft and passengers boarding without boarding pass.
I can narrow it down to fatal accidents of passenger planes if you want. Missing door bolts would be classified as a non-serious incident, the helicopter collision was the fault of the helicopter pilot, and I agree with everything else you said
Missing door bolts almost had a passenger fly out the opening during flight. The helicopter pilots may have had the altitude wrong on their instruments and wore night goggles. Also, the overworked ATC should have confirmed with the helo their altitude and making sure they were aware of the plane.
The missing door bolts didn't cause damage over $25k, death, serious injury, or affect the structural strength or flight characteristics and isn't in the list of events that would constitute a serious incident, so it's classified as a non-serious incident. ATC def overworked, doing job of two
The missing bolts were not in place on other planes too and could have killed many pax. Your arrogance and just stat facts are truly appalling. Hope you’ll never become a commercial pilot.
The fact is there hasn't been a sudden increase in accidents. Common sense says it's being sensationalized by the media. I'm not saying our system is perfect and Trump will definitely make it worse if he goes through with planned cuts. Still not warrent your original comm.
I can’t remember any time with this many commercial and private accidents. Do better FAA and ATC.
There have been more that aren't reported on. You're hearing about them because they're getting a lot of views now