How is everyone in the #writingcommunity feeling? I'll admit I feel a bit discouraged. In that familiar head space of, "OMG this is never going to happen and all I'll ever know is the feeling of rejection and why am I doing this to myself?" But also, I won't give up! #amquerying is exhausting!
(P.S. I have NO idea how my autocorrect turned "fighting" into "foghting" 😳)
I try to tell myself that the first 10 books I write are practice and querying is part of that practice! When I get discouraged, it helps to get obsessed with reading again. Diving into an amazing book usually shakes up my excitement to write something new!
I've pretty much given up mentally with writing now I think. I have a lovely agent, I just seem to keep writing books nobody wants to publish. It's incredibly disheartening and I can't keep putting myself through it much longer.
I’m so used to being ignored and not being understood.
It doesn’t help that I’m autistic.
I’ve kind of got used to hardly any engagement online. (This is why I hate social media.)
I’ve gotten quite used to yelling into the void.
But hey - most people don't ever get this far. The fact that we had the stamina to finish something and the confidence to stick our necks out is its own victory. (or at least that's what I tell myself)