Along with Basemental Drugs, it's the mod to play with if you want to say things like "John skipped work to drop acid, and Tom got pregnant because he stood at the window and watched Mortimer give Bella a blowjob"
it treats gender and biological anatomy as extremely fluid and arbitrary concepts, which is why you can have things like "voyeurism-based mpreg" and a single Sim receiving both cunnilingus and fellatio in the same sex session
there are different settings you can tweak, but if you crank up the autonomy and turn on polyamory, you can end up with so many spontaneous orgies that it makes it hard for anyone in the town to go to work
you can view it as what happens when you unleash a bunch of horny queer/trans hackers with anarchist tendencies on a very moddable simulation game, and you wouldn't be wrong
Along with Basemental Drugs, it's the mod to play with if you want to say things like "John skipped work to drop acid, and Tom got pregnant because he stood at the window and watched Mortimer give Bella a blowjob"