Curious how all news and media and press won’t call him a convict which he is and anyone else would be called as such. President or not doesn’t matter.
I do remember that. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter. None of his bullshit matters. Money = Power and the bulk of the money is in evil hands now. I hate it here.
So what? Biased leftist democratic media which was likely formed by the CIA (which under our constitution is illegal) says a person who is exposing their bureaucracy is wrong.
Damn I was so hopeful.
Seeing that headline after years of listening to this pompous ass, I never thought I'd see the day.
Kamala Harris & The Orange Stain had their debate on 9/10/24.
On September 18th he was supposed to be sentenced. That would have been the second best day. 😱
Absolutely I took a picture in front of my TV it felt like the best day of my life.. then nothing.. smh .. but I'll never forget I post this pic all the time to remind people tho.
I mean I think he underestimates the stupidity of republicans .. if his goal is to do this he shouldn’t make up lies about how good things are because the party that “ does their own research” believes everything he says to a fault lol
If Nixon had been charged , convicted & tossed in Prison & proper safeguards put in place thru congress, we could have possibly avoided all this bs! But, Republicans! 🤬
How a felon treats foes and friends: By stopping satellite intelligence for Ukrainian forces Trump delivers Ukraine to the butcher Putin. Trump has stopped standing up for a civilised world and is in the fangs of the aggressors from Russia!
Sham trial-they had to change time limits to try him and he NEVER knew the charges just like the jury. Should be overturned soon. Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. Political hit job
He is a felon and is above the law. What happened to America? He conned people into MAGA and made them lose our values of honor, integrity, honesty, truth, and decency. MAGA is divisive and mindlessly follows trump's orders like bots.
The only guilty president in office that I know of. Lord I am saying a silent prayer that you know what to do to this man because you are the Almighty ruler over everything
Aren’t we supposed to be getting criminals out of here? Didn’t Rubio strike a deal to deport American criminals to Venezuelan (I believe it was) prisons?
Of course we remember! It is just that the 49% voting for him either bought into the right-wing talking points that the court was rigged against him or they did not care about his long history of malfeasance because he supported their own self-interests. All the evidence was in plain view!
Fat lot of good it did when the rich never suffer any consequences. That seriously needs to stop. Prison quality crimes deserve prison quality sentences.
He should b behind bars. Aren’t traitors jailed or worse. 2 Americans in 50’s were executed for stealing one file and sharing. DJT took over 300 Top Secret files &agents w/found &some killed.In FL an agents at his home was attacked by a Russian agent.W/have a pretty good idea who he showed TS files.
Not just that. A centrist career politician at the heart of an unpopular government was parachuted into candidacy last minute. The gerontocratic leadership ran an inferior campaign. Uninspiring candidate chummed up with neolibs. And there were considerable voting irregularities and suppression.
Indeed, Friend. Sadly, why should we be shocked? It's exactly how this Nation was founded. The expirement has failed. Blown up along with Musk's ridiculous rocket! 🤯
Trump is a convicted felon,an indicted insurrectionist, Classified Document Thief,violator of hisConstitutional Oath 2 uphold the laws of the US& the Constitution, & a Traitor.A bungler ofPublicHealth that lead 2 the death of over 11/2 million Americans.A violator of the Emoluments Clause.
For far too long America, has lived in bliss, that it has forgotten the atrocities of why we entered WWII. It’s time to wake up to reality as we face an existential threat, except this time it’s been lingering on our soil for far too long. We must empower our communities to rid of this stench.
BFD. Soon Trump will do something so f'ing outrageous and unconstitutional we'll only know if we live in a democracy when the men AND women in our military decide whether to allow him to become a true dictator or oust him in favor of saving us from his reign of cruelty and vindictiveness. #resist
Ever since, my every reference to him has been "Criminal Trump". Much more accurate and permanently true than the highly unfortunate and temporary "President".
Being a felon doesn’t make you a bad person. Attempting a neo-fascist coup against the federal government makes you a bad person. Attack him for that, not something that applies to people who aren’t bags of shit like Trump.
Republicans wouldn't tolerate an illegal immigrant who committed 34 felonies, sexually abused a woman, who stated he wants to grab women by their genitals and have sex with married women.
Yeah they want you to forget that a 34 count convicted felon , adjudicated rapist fraud & insurrectiontionist is squatting in our White House….. everyone just treat him with respect because he is president. Bull fucking shit…x he is the scum of the earth.
The same dude who served his time for lesser crimes ? Same dude who was murdered because of some typical cop who knew him ? They are not even close to comparable.
Tbh at this point i'm more interested in the election interference headline for elon, who bought him the election, then immediately benefitted from a government position.
But the most of them didn't, do you understand their voting system, i dont. And Yes there are lots of maga and Trump, hope not 50% . But there was a civil war before in history.
The EC is the dumbest thing the founders ever did. Should have stayed with the old Parliment system. Ridiculous! And don't feel bad, I live here. And I don't get it either. 😒
Yes, that was before we learned that if a criminal asshole can somehow get elected president, then you get away with your crimes. We DO have a two tiered system of justice, normal people, and presidential
Remember how irrelevant it was. Trump guilty of 34 felonies, surely guilty of many more crimes, including sex crimes against women and girls, and a plurality of this fucked-up country of ours STILL elected him.
NUMEROUS Dem. fuck-ups put this turd in the WH . . . shaping up for another loss in '26.
And now he is immune for all the crimes he has been doing. Worst of all he is now aiding Putin's immoral war against Ukraine; not just by stopping aid, but also intelligence to their military.
The American public can support Ukraine at this website.
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Yeah I remember because my daughter got a bomb threat at our house because she is chair of our county Dem party and the MAGAs in our town were looking for someone to blame.
Yup! A lot of good that did! Most felons who are found guilty on all counts go straight to prison from the courtroom, but since the rule of law is now in our past, this one time, this one guy was found guilty and yet suffered no punishment for his crimes. He is above the law.
I'd be happier if more remembered that Colorado's attempt to remove him from the ballot also resulted in his adjudication as an insurrectionist, which SCOTUS never invalidated.
From “Parable of the Talents” by Octavia Butler
What I miss more is when people were shooting at him. Now I just loath the incompetence.
Trump is unfit.
He's an illegitimate president. Section 3 - 14th Amendment.
Now we're aligned with dictators?
This is a coup.
Act accordingly.
Keep listening to the Democrat/Zionist propaganda.
The hate and division suit you, sadly.
Especially as i don’t get your comment on the Dem-/Zionist thing. I am confused..
Lawfare. Weaponize legal system.
Trump represents the destruction of the embedded network of corrupt Zionists within America. So they're trying everything to crush him.
Zionists are fake Jews. They are anti-human.
Seeing that headline after years of listening to this pompous ass, I never thought I'd see the day.
Kamala Harris & The Orange Stain had their debate on 9/10/24.
On September 18th he was supposed to be sentenced. That would have been the second best day. 😱
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
The fraud doesn't bother me as much as the pedo/rape and the blatant fucking treason
And here we are...
NY Law: Anyone Found Guilty of or Liable for a Sex Offense-is a, "Sex Offender".
Whether Registered or not.
NY Law: Anyone Convicted of and Sentenced for a Felony-is a, "Convict".
Whether Incarcerated or not.
America Knows!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
He wants people to riot so he can declare martial law.
He wants people to be angry about Canada so he can go to war with them.
He already attacked the US Capitol. He's going to do this, too.
The actual hope would be the military growing a spine, realizing he has shit all power and just walking into DC with a guillotine and a big pit dug.
They didn't deal with them when they had the power.
They're in cahoots, complicit.
They certainly enable the GOP.
Trump getting off scot-free when they had 4 years to put this to bed, is proof of that.
Guess "Democracy" wasn't so important afterall.
Donors matter, the American people? Not so much.
Are we so bigoted against women?..or black people still?
Democracy can only work when you take part!
It has to make a demon-crat wonder...
Why did America choose an impeached, misogynistic, lying felon over anything your party had to offer. That says so much, so silently.
This man will live in your heads a hundred years after he's left office.
Aside from just being a comple ass**le
I’m staying alive to see round two.
Ever. He’s a disgusting f_ck.
They think the courts were onto their great King Donald.
Denial is one of the greatest enemies of cold hard truth.
-did not make a difference then
-won't make a difference now
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The unfortunate truth is that the Democrats in US are weak and indecisive.
Trump should have been prosecuted and jailed very quickly, he wasn’t.
The Democrats share a large part of the responsibility for what is happening today, and the War which may soon engulf Europe.
A felon, running free? How could that be!?
Criminally Incompetent
NUMEROUS Dem. fuck-ups put this turd in the WH . . . shaping up for another loss in '26.
Unconstitutional Illegal Presidency
Amnesty law
play from begining
His only redeeming quality so far is the fact that he is old and not immortal.
The American public can support Ukraine at this website.
The Democrat/Zionists are manipulating the whole system.
To bad it didn't stick