“We can eat it, for sure,” she gestured to it, “can't sell it... But it's a damn good cake.” She suddenly had a fork in her hand and cut out a small piece that hadn't directly hit the floor and tasted it.
Bittersweet, not in taste but by the situation, that it was the best cake she'd made and only
" yeah? that good? " he said, pleased. " way i see it? focus on makin' the cake, not the showin' people. it's like, uh . . . i dunno. i like food 'cos i can taste the effort in it. i don't have t' know *who*, 'xactly. enjoy knowin' people really cared about it. "
Bittersweet, not in taste but by the situation, that it was the best cake she'd made and only
Cienn gave the bakery a wistful look before turning back to the cake.
“But this was an order for a big guy called a Goliath named Benny. It's for his birthday and it's due tomorrow.”