I adore DAI, and I admit it’s a game that seems generated in a lab to appeal to my own interests, but replaying segments recently to record footage made me love DATV all the more.
Each game has its strengths and weaknesses, but a great deal of DATV is built on improving needed elements from DAI.
Each game has its strengths and weaknesses, but a great deal of DATV is built on improving needed elements from DAI.
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As someone who loves DAI dearly it’s frustrating hearing people talk about how it was peak, actually.
It’s also a game where you can see the experimentation and lack of familiarity with frostbite in many scenes.
Combat is more something you deal with than delight in.
Let’s not “golden age” this.
I’m not interested in discussing DATV flaws at present but they do exist. (If overstated, certainly.)
Just that each game came from a moment in time and reflects that in ways good and bad and to me, that’s so interesting to analyze! 😃
Also floating headless corpses always amuse me.
Yup, and those Orson Scott Card comics!