At lunch, I was like, "I think there's a love triangle this season" and my colleague was like, "Wolverine, Jean, Cyclops?"
"No, a new one"
"Oh" *returns attention to his lunch*
I like how for the longest time, the MCU pushed Black Widow for the girls, and we begrudgingly accepted it out of lack of options, but the minute Storm, Jean Grey, and Rogue retvrned, we run to them like travelers dying of thirst in a desert
It's not that Black Widow isn't an interesting character on paper, (though Scarlett Johansson doesn't lend her much personality) it's that women need female superheroes whose origin stories AREN'T
"Men tried to abuse her into being the perfect killing machine... and it worked, b-but on HER terms!!!"
Well now you've got me deciding which members of the Xmen should be combined which Greendale staff and students if those universes combined amalgam style. The Dean and prof X are a given, senor Chang and Wolverine. Magnitude as nightcrawler Pop-pop.
"No, a new one"
"Oh" *returns attention to his lunch*
"Men tried to abuse her into being the perfect killing machine... and it worked, b-but on HER terms!!!"