I was trying to describe it to man last night. It was the type of sound as if huge boulders were rubbing against each other a very loud grinding sound and the house seemed to shift ever so slightly sideways one way and the other way, but the sound lasted a lot longer than any slight movement.
Great, thanks. I am used to earthquakes, we get them each day around the whole area. They are not always felt but I have felt many over the years and never heard this sound before.
When Loma Prieta happened my late wife and I had just picked up the keys to our first house, we were there and got to see the “horizontal mode of vibration” as the house rocked back and forth 🫨
From a NYer y'all's level of casual comfort with earthquakes is incredibly brave! The one time I felt a minor tremor here I freaked out for a day. You don't mess around 🤘
I saw someone else post about this and had to check for myself because I thought I was imagining it with all the home construction in my area… but nope! Def an earthquake!
USGS appears to have removed the 4.7. BUT...the website also has...functionality issues.
Okay. Here's the problem with the prelim data. First (Schelt) is back, at 4.8. 5.1 (Pender now removed).
The little ones might feel like a truck drove by.
This one had the 4-storey building swaying & we felt whoa! for about thirty seconds.
They're actually a fun way to feel part of the natural world!
Don't be too curious about the big ones; they're deeply scary.
It's hard to complain about initial data accuracy when the system is fast enough that it can have preliminary location and intensity info posted in the time it takes me to say "Wait, was that an earthquake?" and pull it up. Pretty impressive, really.
Absolutely! And the refinement usually isn't much - just odd that I saw both listed at the same time. Though, honestly, that could JUST be the time between when I hit refresh, and their page refreshed! IE 'Update then remove' vs 'remove then update'.
This is 3rd time I felt Earthquake in a year though, if I am not alarmed and ready then I am lying to you...
close to the epicenter.
Oh so not the big one then.
…one day tho… one day….
Okay. Here's the problem with the prelim data. First (Schelt) is back, at 4.8. 5.1 (Pender now removed).
This one had the 4-storey building swaying & we felt whoa! for about thirty seconds.
They're actually a fun way to feel part of the natural world!
Don't be too curious about the big ones; they're deeply scary.
9km depth.
M 5.1 - 36 km NE of South Pender Harbour, Canada
2km depth