Homies with the Bigscreen Beyond, did you have any issues initially which required you to send yours back?
If so what was the issue you had?
And does anyone regret their purchase?
If so what was the issue you had?
And does anyone regret their purchase?
I had to RMA the headset a year later for a loose USB-C connection.
I don't regret the purchase. I use the headset daily.
I don't regret it at all. The comfort and form factor make it so worth not having some of the features modern headsets have, like eye and face tracking or passthrough
While I absolutely still have some criticisms (nobody's perfect) my overall experience since more than makes up for those initial snags.
They measured my IPD spot on. Which I also confirmed after using a prototype unit with adjustable IPD.
There are negatives, but they're mostly minor. I miss Index FOV but I only really notice it in limited situations. Managing the strap and headphone cable is annoying.
The headphones are fine.
It isn't comfortable for me and I can't lay down or use a headrest with it at all. Doing so pushes the lenses out of their sweet spot. I seem to be the minority with this opinion and you might like it.
I'll sell you my strap if you want.
I have never regretted my purchase
I did have to buy a new cable after about a year, but that was due to frequent minor abuse while laying down in VR
my gasket had some issues getting right. the top was so thin that my brow was pressing against the lenses. Managed to get it down after 3 attempts lol
Not the biggest fan of the strap, but i do love this little thing. I cant go back to anything else