My mom love videogames, though she does not have reflexes as good as my brother and I. I am always so happy when a game have an easy mode because it amplifies the chance of her playing in like, 80%
I’m currently trying to play the new Ninja Gaiden 2 remake, my first in the series. If I can beat it on normal mode (bc there’s no easy) I’ll feel SO proud of myself. 😂
A friend who’s beaten the original says there’s a part after a boss fight that made him almost break his controllers he’s excited for me to run into. 😂 Without spoilers - can you guess which part that is and if it’s still there? lol
I honestly can’t. It’s been a very long time since I played the 360 one or Sigma. Fortunately nowadays there are a ton more online video guides for such fights — not so much back in the day.
If you’ve never played these sorts of games, though, the big secret that folks who demand easy difficulty in every game don’t understand is that you just gotta figure out the attack patterns. In Normal Diff, NG isn’t *nearly* as brutal as, say, Dark Souls.
I’ve been watching some guides on combat strategy so that’s been helping. I’ve beaten Bayonetta and the original DMC back in the day - all on easy or normal. lol But I play fighting games - hopefully some of those skills will serve me well. 🤞🏻
Video game difficulty does matter because not everyone enjoys mashing one button for 40 hours until it’s over. If you want easy then fine, but don’t assume everyone wants that because you’re wrong. Difficulty options are the most important thing to make games appeal to larger audiences.
Considering there was no hostility in my comment and you’re clearing trying to outrage me by insulting my “comprehension and literacy” I’m going to assume you’re a bot and not actually interested in discussing difficulty.
I'll mainly play easy these days as I play far less than I used to and I just like to enjoy the story whenever I get a few hours. If I'm feeling a little frisky I might bump it up to normal if it's too easy.
Absolutely. Not to disparage people that enjoy the challenge used to be like that myself but with kids I might get the odd couple of hours in a blue moon and I don't want to spend that time bashing my head against a boss that might be too hard need to feel I'm making progress or I'll lose interest.
Video Game Difficulty ≠ Challenge.
Ultimately at the end of the day, video games are meant to be enjoyed.
I need to get around to replaying the Ninja Gaiden series.
It’s still gonna make you work for it, though!
Also stay moving 😂
Video games are MEANT to be enjoyed.
But let’s use comprehension and literacy for a sec. If you like a challenging game with options. That’s great!
If you like dark souls (like me!) where there is no difficulty options. Bueno!
I’m just gonna assume you’re unwilling to engage in any meaningful form of a discussion that doesn’t end with you being “right”.
Have whatever day you deserve.
As long as you’re enjoying the time spent playing the game. ^_^
The days feel so short sometimes and you need to see the time invested when gaming returned back to ya.