On to business items, all unanimous unless noted
✅ personnel
✅ bills
✅ budgetary transfers
Far right members of the board hearing for at least the third time how much we pay in cyber charter tuition
✅ personnel
✅ bills
✅ budgetary transfers
Far right members of the board hearing for at least the third time how much we pay in cyber charter tuition
✅ MOU for migrant education
✅ staff attendance at professional meetings
✅ e-rate approvals
Mrs. Tierney thanks the committee for her work
Mrs. Thomas is reading a written statement, I’m honestly not sure which way she’s going to vote after it??
2 hour route minimum, starting hourly rate is $25/hour, they’ll recognize tenure of drivers. Scales up to $29/hr.
Talking about recruitment/retention issues
Mr. Guistwhite asks about tenure/seniority and routes