"all action no forethought"
is *chef's kiss*
is *chef's kiss*
Reposted from
wilhelmina slater✨
this is why i get so frustrated when i ask what are our demands to the government. we sit here & scroll and complain all day, but we can’t even collectively THINK about what to ask of our govt. this is why the confederacy is rising again, y’all! we’re all action, no forethought
We have been saying it
If you are conflating what the Dem Electeds and their minions are spouting, and what the people have been asking for, that is on you
Advocating for real change
But the first step to fixing a problem is admitting it exists
The Dems we have are broken and must be replaced
It takes consistent and sustained work
Is this a case where I should pick one particular interest to help with? I’m trying to get active I’m just overwhelmed.
I have no money to donate
I am not able to march in the streets
All I have is my voice
and if you are gonna call me invalid or unworthy because I am not doing what you are doing then you can fuck right off