With a sister company Absolute, that only dedicated to releasing a single compilation each year, of the absolute worst indy games.
'Yes friends, it's Absolute Bollocks volume 28!'
Did I ever tell you about the time he sent me a LinkedIn request back in the olden days, so I changed my name to Edge Edgerson and accepted it so he'd get an email alert that Edge Edgerson is now a LinkedIn connection?
Capstone Software is back! We own none of the rights to the games but we will honor their tradition of excellence in making the absolute most dogshit shooters you have ever seen in your life
I've never programmed a game in my life but I think I could contribute to your cause with "A Squad", a game I have spent *at least* three seconds envisaging. It'll be brown, have shoddy auto-targetting you can't disable, janky enemy AI, and a tendency to get you stuck on badly aligned floor tiles.
Hey if Electro Brain can get back and rerelease Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack via Vatical, it would all be worth it.
'Yes friends, it's Absolute Bollocks volume 28!'