Does seem rather difficult. I think today one must take nothing for granted, go back all the way to the level of epistemology. What is a justified belief? What is truth? What is fact? What is a positive statement, and how does it differ from a normative statement? What is science? That sort.
I think with modern conservatives, Republicans, if one is to take them at face value and suppose they're interested at all in discussing their real values, trying to find common ground, not simply playing silly rhetorical games, one must suppose ignorance at a very profound, fundamental level.
Of course, in all honestly, it seems rather more likely it's an elaborate rhetorical game designed to make reasoned discussion impossible. It seems unlikely anyone could get through everyday life with epistemology confusion as confused as that. So not clear it's sensible to look for common ground.
I think if one wants to do reasoned discussion at this point, talk about real issues in economics, politics, law, science, religion, one must deal with people who do not identify as conservative, Republicans. One must look for people who value reasoned discussion and thought.
Dealing with conservatives, Republicans I think, is more a matter of rhetoric, lies, quips, word play, memes, jokes, celebrities, GIFs, insults, that sort of fine. It's fine if one has time for it and keeps in mind always it's not reasoned discussion about real issues and was never meant to be.
I remember when floods in the Midwest were caused by god because he was angry at gays. Apparently god could not locate San Francisco or Greenwich Village.
Can’t edit. So dumb.