I’m not interested in it at all. I love most Star Wars. My first film seen in a cinema/theatre was Star Wars in 1978. I’ve watch Ep 4 250 times, I love Rogue One, enjoyed Solo, hate Ep8, and can’t wait for Andor, but I’ve no interest in a kids in space film which further devalues the SW universe.
The announcement of a full release of the Huttese cover of Peter Schilling's "Major Tom". I loved hearing that crop up in the trailer and I want the full song now.
In a strange way...I am not "excited" to see anything at all...
Totally blind...which happened with Acolyte and it was one of my fave modern Star Wars experiences...No idea who is who, no preconceived notions nothing
Just excited to see whatever they throw at me...I'm here for/ready for anything!
I'm now 100% invested in pretty much all of it...which is low-key kinda terrifying because...high hopes are a risk.
Also the "Goonies vibe" is such a departure from typical Star Wars, it seems like we'll get something really fresh that we haven't seen before.
Interested in any connections it makes between the OT and sequels
But most of all, SPACESHIPS!
(Jude Law looking hot)
Totally blind...which happened with Acolyte and it was one of my fave modern Star Wars experiences...No idea who is who, no preconceived notions nothing
Just excited to see whatever they throw at me...I'm here for/ready for anything!