I did have questions, but I read a ton of books and they got answered. Try Joseph Atwill, Rob Eisenman, Dan Unterbrink, Bruno Bauer (from 1880), James Valliant. For the Bible I use the Geneva 1599, although not embarrassed to admit I use my wife's Bible from childhood because 1599 is hard to read
I've used multiple translations over the years. I currently use the ESV via Logos bible software. Along with dictionaries and brief commentaries. I've done all my wrestling and now trust God.
Its fair to say we all come to God for various reasons. One size or view does not fit all. Some will believe some wont. I will let God do what He alone can do.
Which god though? Romans believed in Zeus for 1,000 years, there are 1000s of gods running around this planet. Why is yours the real one, and all theirs are fake?
God is uncreated. For your extreme example (which often comes up with this argument), I am not aware that Hitler was a Christian. He certainly didn't show any fruit of being a Christian no more than Trump does. But all speculation is just that speculation.
People waiting for the return of Jesus is rather funny in itself. In Matthew 24:34 Jesus says the present generation shall not pass until his return. He says this around 30 AD, thus Jesus needed to show back up by 70 at the latest. My 1599 Geneva bible has margin notes about this
Right, the three gods that aren't three gods. That is Rome's pagan leanings showing thru yet again. More importantly though, in Mark 13:32-33 Jesus says he is clueless about when god will return. How could that be if they are the same being?
Mine was a major spiritual void that got filled.
You have your free will to choose. I choose Jesus.
All have sinned and fall short.