I'm in an argument with a coworker. Help me settle it.
I say a Caesar salad absolutely counts as "Mexican food"
He says I'm dumb and it's obviously Italian.
I say a Caesar salad absolutely counts as "Mexican food"
He says I'm dumb and it's obviously Italian.
Invented in Tijuana, typically a course with Italian Cuisine...
Tasty either way.
"In 1924, during the Prohibition era (1920–33), an Italian-born restaurateur named Cesare Cardini (1896–1956) moved his restaurant from San Diego, California, to Tijuana, Mexico"
Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Caesar-salad
Caesar Cardini, the inventor of the Caesar salad was born Cesare Cardini in Baveno, Italy...so...Italian.
But the Caesar salad which he invented was first made in Tijuana, Mexico...so it's Mexican., right?
So, funnily enough...in a way, it's Italian-Mexican food.
Because someone ate it with a knife
American-Italian if you're feeling spicy