Which means their property taxes will go up and many will not be able to afford to pay, which leads to Tax Liens and great houses sold at auction for pennies on the dollar 💰
The U.S. economy is being harmed by illegal immigration, and American citizens are facing more unemployment. American public security is facing greater challenges. Citizens’ property and safety cannot be protected! Illegal immigrants have invaded one of my properties.
I sure hope so. I want all the Trump supporters to feel the pain of their ridiculous decision to reelect the Orange Dictator. The rest of us will suffer too but oh well at least the Trump supporters will suffer the most 😂
I hope and believe that remark was satire 😂 The US isn't wildly popular in our area at the moment, so you might not want to hold your breath until we arrive 🤷
Yeah, Stig... I know. It was satire. Going back to when Trump complained that we only got immigrants from "shithole" (his exact word) countries, referring to mostly black and brown countries. And he pondered why *you* did not want to come here. (We all know why!!!)
Please don’t take this the wrong way. Serious question(s): How would an illegal, and supposedly undocumented, individual pay income tax? Aren’t they paid under the table and form part of an underground economy? Or are you referring to consumption taxes?
We won’t lose the labor, they will just lose their wages, once they’re incarcerated in for profit labor camps awaiting deportation to a country that won’t take them.
Is it any wonder he’s a breathtakingly FAILED businessman!
Another reason why he refuses to have his school grades released.
After they got their traitor elected now they’ll try to control him.
It doesn’t get lower than that.
Might be "cash in the mattress" time.
Don isn’t just clueless, he’s the definition of stupid.
These immigrants also pay into our tax base… so we would be without that money too.
I am just so very upset and frightened that those voters have put in place the destruction of our Country.
Next question (I'm on a roll!)
They can care less about our country and its economic future.