I gave the angry youth
the angry women
the "we aren't going back"
the "I've never voted before"
Way too much credit.
Meanwhile I gave the
Hateful, bigoted, memelords, manoshpere, uneducated, easily led and dupe far too little credit.
Kamala Harris told the Israelis she supports their "project." and she let the US people think that she would go easy on Muslims. That's why they picked Trump. If she had instead made exterminating Palestinians her primary campaign platform, she would have won.
I campaigned, knocked doors, wrote postcards, did lit drops, phone banked, donated, and BELIEVED with all my heart that people were better than this. I was duped and feel like a fool. The people I vehemently defended and voted for, voted against themselves. Now they will see their mistakes. FAFO
the angry women
the "we aren't going back"
the "I've never voted before"
Way too much credit.
Meanwhile I gave the
Hateful, bigoted, memelords, manoshpere, uneducated, easily led and dupe far too little credit.
And well, here we are.
Very sad