This results in what tho? Or just another crowd to heat speeches...I love Bernie! But cmon ppl this isn't doing shit about preventing me from being homeless in june
Had the city of Warren and the rest of Macomb County Michigan just voted for Kamala Harris, they wouldn't need to listen to Bernie Sander tell them to fight people with enough money to kill everybody.
Who's standing up there with him from the younger generation? What future leaders are gaining visibility from his mentorship and him introducing on stage? Reality is reality. At 83, Bernie cannot lead us for long in this fight. Bernie has to be considering succession. Who will lead from here?
I've been saying this for a while. I wish Bernie instead dedicated his time to mentoring a group of young progressives, showing them how to message, how to grassroots fundraising, and then bringing them on stage with him. We need a new generation and we need to amplify his voice.
Everything Bernie does is about helping poor familys and low income earners, i just dont understand how right wing media have convinced the people who need it most that more billionairs is what they need.
Local Memphian Bernie respecter, Hailey Thomas kinghailey1922 on TikTok, shreds Elon Musk and his xAI Supercomputer for polluting the poorest community in Memphis, running all over Memphians with the help of he local Black Mayor. More than 1 mil views across TikTok
I've been saying this for a while. I wish Bernie instead dedicated his time to mentoring a group of young progressives, showing them how to message, how to grassroots fundraising, and then bringing them on stage with him. We need a new generation and we need to amplify his voice. the country is ready for more progessive candidates
How about the EXPLAIN oligarchy to idiots tour?
A seemingly smart, fashionable thirty-ish guy literally asked me what an oligarch was when I had this sign at a rally.
I think we should use the word “opposition” instead of “resistance.” Opposition says we are still in the game. Opposition is an out-in-the-open movement; resistance suggests an underground operation. #justsayin #mytwocents
I really really like Bernie, but god damnit, is there anyone else younger who can fill his shoes? Gretchen Whitmer is a solid, Gavin is too car salesman (nice guy though), Hakeem is absent balls, the racists won’t pick who I’d like in there, AOC. Somewhere there’s a democrat Trump out there.
Where are the rest of the Dems? They all should be doing this. Remarkable that Bernie at his age is pounding the pavement when those much younger are sitting censuring their own.
Dems don't want to admit that Bernie flexed his influence to push Biden further to the left in 2020 which helped him win.
Regrettably, Harris, like Clinton before her, snubbed him and moved to the "center" with identical results
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
We started this! Billionaires did not make themselves we spent our hard earned money and brought them into existence. We can also erase them from shitting all over our democracy. Stop giving them our hard earned money. Give your money to human beings, shop local, shop secondhand, barter and share.
I’ve never been a Bernie Sanders fan but he is now doing what needs to be done. Where are all the democrats. Surely there are some republicans who know that what is going on is wrong. All Americans must stand up now and get rid of the traitors trying to destroy our country.
This is pretty amazing. This is proof that there is a THIRST out there for authentic politicians like Bernie who are on our side. I wish that the Dem Party would get a clue about that and multiply what Bernie is doing 100fold.
As disappointed and heartbroken and disgusted that this country can’t seem to get its shit together to elect a female, at least Bernie has a chance. Also fuck the center go as far to the left as you can, fucking executive order this shit back to the way it was except universal healthcare for all :-)
We have to understand the long game, face the music, be intellectually honest about our biases, and pragmatic or we are going to lose once again on purity grounds.
If Democrats fail to appreciate ordinary Republicans' pov we'll not deserve to lead. Chris Murphy comes to mind.
Most republicans have a point of view based on lies, they need to be educated first and foremost so they can contribute to a discussion rather than spew lies from rupert murdoch.
I really wish that this country would do that but sadly all the information and data shows that this country is a center-right country and that is why he could not win after running two times. It breaks my heart that this country is so f****** stupid.
336 million people but we're raiding nursing homes for candidates. Nobody thinks we've lost our fucking minds if this is the best we can do. Never cultivating the future, then is there really a future digging up tombs. Shameful Bernie hasn't promoted the future instead of taking it
the problem, not cultivating for the future or passing the baton. History shows the price of elevating the messenger over the message. when the messenger falls, so does the message and the mission
we've paid dearly betting so much on these old cart horses. It's inexcusably self absorbed and selfish. btw, i'm on that end of the spectrum and FIRMLY believe in cultivating the future. These politicians, ALL, suffer from narcissistic, celebrity syndrome
While our MI governor Whitmer wants to play nice with Trump in the sandbox and Rep. Lisa Mcmouthpuppet enables a domestic terrorist as president. Senator Peters is MIA and Dan Lauwers plays damage control for his felon wife. What a cluster we have.
#PureMichigan #Enablers #Felon #Traitor
I think Bernie will rise to the occasion, others are hiding, playing old usual game. Out dated for the times, dems get your shit together, fight. Even if you have to punch the bully in the face!
God bless Bernie! He's out there on his own bringing in crowds and no where to be seen are the other Dems. What is wrong with them? Have they lost their patriotism? Sense of decency? Scared? Pathetic!
He’s an Independent, only switches to Democrat when it serves him. Sorry, he’s not the future. We need young leadership that takes action - not the same old talking points and ego.
No dude, I am not terminally online. Let’s see what Bernie has accomplished since 2016. What has his leadership and rallies gotten us? It got him a lake house.
So what then is your alternative? Jeffries? Pelosi, who also is doing fine at the bank? Harris, who vanished completely with barely a whimper? Schumer?
Thank God for Crockett, AOC, Al Green, Frost, and Bernie, or the Democrats could officially be declared dead at this point.
Wow assumptions have been made here. Gabbard can go to hell thanks.
And what has the other establishment leadership gotten us to this point? Looks like a budding fascist dictatorship to me. So much winning. Can we maybe try to resist, a little, before being sent to the camps? 🙄
Oh and he elevated Tulsi Gabbard (who you probably fan boyed). His Russia connections and desperation to be a spoiler and scold are enough for many to write him off.
A room full of white people, shocking! I don't think I've ever seen Bernie reaching out to people of color. It's perplexing to me. When Bernie talks about "the working class," he is clearly only talking about the white working class. We need someone who wants to reach out to everyone.
Wow you are delusional. He has reached out to people of color and many of them were leaders in his campaign. Clyburn really did him in when he encouraged people in the South to vote for Biden instead of Bernie.
keep it up ** #Fascism is at pandemic levels. Stop the pandemic called #TrumpMuskFascism: #IdesOfMarch15 Nationwide Revolution in every town, city, rural area, libraries, street corners, town halls, farms everywhere on The Ides of **March 15, 2025
i think the progressives can win next election. This is just the kind of national destruction they need. Bernie is too old so wondering what the endgame is
I'll believe in the 'next election' about the same as I do the last one,..which I still believe was the last one,..anyway.
I, in zero ways, believe djRump won.
If Sanders really wanted to fight oligarchy, he would announce a General Strike fund. To which the working class automatically gain political and economic leverage
When you consider that Bernie normally wouldn't draw crowds like Obama or Clinton, this is amazing! This is telling us something, folks! He's speaking truth and people are wanting to hear it!
Screw all the Mainstream Media and all the Dems wondering if they lost because they were too progressive. They were not progressive enough. Bernie shows them the way.
Clearly his message that it's not immigrants or trans, it's the billionaires...
is resonating!
Have fun with that hindsight.
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to Support Bernie's
"Stop Oligarchy Tour"
A seemingly smart, fashionable thirty-ish guy literally asked me what an oligarch was when I had this sign at a rally.
So many of the people we relied on to “be the voice” are getting older.
We need succession planning.
Donate and/or Volunteer Here
to Support Bernie's
"Stop Oligarchy Tour"
Regrettably, Harris, like Clinton before her, snubbed him and moved to the "center" with identical results
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Donate and/or Volunteer Here
to Support Bernie's
"Stop Oligarchy Tour"
Donate and/or Volunteer Here
to Support Bernie's
"Stop Oligarchy Tour"
If Democrats fail to appreciate ordinary Republicans' pov we'll not deserve to lead. Chris Murphy comes to mind.
I will never vote for another centrist ever again.
I only support far left politicians like Bernie Sanders and AOC.
Yes, Trump is racist. But he’s also jealous of the love and respect Obama, a black man, received as President.
Or even here?
#PureMichigan #Enablers #Felon #Traitor
If only they all wouldn’t have called him a a radical socialist like 4 months ago.
Go speak to the public!!!! Tell everything as it is!!!
Americans feel abandoned!!!
Thank God for Crockett, AOC, Al Green, Frost, and Bernie, or the Democrats could officially be declared dead at this point.
And what has the other establishment leadership gotten us to this point? Looks like a budding fascist dictatorship to me. So much winning. Can we maybe try to resist, a little, before being sent to the camps? 🙄
(Some band at the rally.)
Get up there Dems !
that's FUCKING how we got djRump, fuck'n idiots!
I, in zero ways, believe djRump won.
Donate and/or Volunteer Here
to Support Bernie's
"Stop Oligarchy Tour"
Did you mean a different picture?