As he cuts across Broadway traffic out of the bike lane...on his citi-bank rented cycle...the ones that cause more accidents in NYC than ANY illegally parked cars. But he got a video out of hes a hero.
People who park in bike/bus lanes are the epitome of selfish. They think their mild convenience is worth holding up hundreds to thousands of other travelers. There may have been a hundred people on that bus pulling up that it was blocking!
I personally would be more satisfied if it was a bus that ran over that piece of junk, and fine the imbecile owner under the maximun allowed by law.
Sending this to my friends...
So are repubs.
(The T rune is used by several n*zi groups)
Trick is to just keep moving and genuinely not give a shit.
Oops, I had so little room to get by. Sorry. Maybe if you parked more responsibly, I might have had more room.