🧵Album Recommendations I've been given and my thoughts on them
Recommendations go here: https://forms.gle/aWTGFY5xoskeCmkw8
Recommendations go here: https://forms.gle/aWTGFY5xoskeCmkw8
Recommended by: Francis
Genres: Indie Rock, Progressive Rock, Rock Opera
Overall Rating: 7 [very good highs but also some pretty meh lows although i feel like the lows are like that on purpose with the album following a story..]
Battesimo Del Fuoco: 5
The Lake South: 6
City Escape: 9
The Inquiry of Ms. Terri: 6
1878: 9
The Pimp and the Priest: 8
His Hands Matched His Tongue: 7
The River North: 6