Yes we are. We have very greedy millionaires and billionaires that want it all and don’t give a damn who they have to step on to get it! Which means they r pissing on everyone else!
If the Democrats were to push as hard to turn #corporatehealthinsurance past the 1/2 measure of the #ACA / #Obamacare into actual #Singlepayer / #Medicare4All they would DESTROY 💀🛑💀 in 2026 & 2028.
😖🤬 They won't. They want to regress to #ThirdWay #neoliberalism.
Sadly I think even if the perfect plan was laid out and we could adapt to it, Americans wouldn't want it. Alot of people here are bitter and raised to think that not everyone deserves help. I know so many people who get scared to just ask for basic help cause they are taught it's weak.
My point: "If there is one fact in American politics that both sides — all sides — of the political spectrum seem to agree on, it’s this: Democrats have trouble expressing themselves in a way that people understand." Shumer is a POS. However, beyond that, 🔵 talks like lawyers & people HATE lawyers.
You raise a good point & this would never win over the 🤮 #misogynists/ #manosphere.
However, IMO it would not matter if EXISTING #medicaldebt / #medicalbankruptcy was to be removed almost IMMEDIATELY and - this is critical - that 🔵 was able to clearly & concisely get their #messaging across.
I have NO asked for the exact numbers associated with these Services to be posted. Still haven't see any. I do know that The UK NHS is about out of BUsiness.
Too much profit in Healthcare to change it. My UK relatives all can't fathom that if you don't have a job or can't afford benefits you basically have no options other than bankruptcy or your condition worsening
Ordinary British people do not associate medical care with money in any way, shape or form. If you need medical care, you get it....and there are no bills afterwards.
The single biggest impediment to the introduction of the kind of Universal Healthcare in the US that the rest of the developed world enjoys is United Healthcare and the other US health insurance corporations.
😖🤬 They won't. They want to regress to #ThirdWay #neoliberalism.
However, IMO it would not matter if EXISTING #medicaldebt / #medicalbankruptcy was to be removed almost IMMEDIATELY and - this is critical - that 🔵 was able to clearly & concisely get their #messaging across.