Let the old man pay for his own golf excursions. Feed the seniors. I wish he would get hit with a golf ball. Knock that Maga hat right off his balding head. Nothing worse than a combover, boys. Looks ridiculous. Be bold and take off the fringe.
Genocide is the point. Old people whose work can't be profitable for the bosses anymore. Children of poor people who had children they can't afford. Because they are being forced to have children they can't afford. Because they're forced to work for too little money.
I'm pretty sure Satan is more humane than this. People are evil. Putin and krasnov planned this with the MANY other mighty white male supremacists! If they are white and present to be church without tattoos, they need to be sent to El Salvador!
He was a minor character playing role of prosecuting attorney in the Jewish bible. Not an equal to God.
And if you're an atheist, it's all fantasy. That means nothing is Satan's fault, it's pretty much Christians doing bad things and blaming someone else.
There Are No Good Republicans.
He was a minor character playing role of prosecuting attorney in the Jewish bible. Not an equal to God.
And if you're an atheist, it's all fantasy. That means nothing is Satan's fault, it's pretty much Christians doing bad things and blaming someone else.
He’s got the US government in his pocket