📻: New ADSP episode on the Release Radar:
🎙️ Episode 223: Is C++ Dying? II
🔗 https://adspthepodcast.com/
💬 In this episode, Conor and Ben chat with Tristan Brindle about the recent C++ London meetup, the future of C++ and safety in C++.Link to Episode 223 on WebsiteDiscuss this episode, leave a c...
🎙️ Episode 223: Is C++ Dying? II
🔗 https://adspthepodcast.com/
💬 In this episode, Conor and Ben chat with Tristan Brindle about the recent C++ London meetup, the future of C++ and safety in C++.Link to Episode 223 on WebsiteDiscuss this episode, leave a c...