looking for #moots with this one
- Gaming Enthusiast
- anime & movies
- reading weird books
- Video editor & Graphic designer
- photography
- tennis
- programming
- cooking & baking
- anything tech
24 | intj (if you even care about those) | Terraria and modded Minecraft also satisfactory
- Gaming Enthusiast
- anime & movies
- reading weird books
- Video editor & Graphic designer
- photography
- tennis
- programming
- cooking & baking
- anything tech
24 | intj (if you even care about those) | Terraria and modded Minecraft also satisfactory
- Deep rock galactic
- Destiny 2
- Minecraft (modded)
- Terraria
- satisfactory
- FF14 and FF13LR
- Valheim
- Stardew Valley
- Child of light (i will never be board of that game)
- Portal 2