Elite celebrates its 40th anniversary today! 🎂 🚀 ✨
One of my all-time favorite games. So many hours spent on the Atari ST version 🥰 (thanks Dad for the gift)
➡️ Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY9MdoDdxoQ
#Elite #DavidBraben #IanBell #AcornSoft #Firebird #BBCMicro #AtariST #RetroGaming
One of my all-time favorite games. So many hours spent on the Atari ST version 🥰 (thanks Dad for the gift)
➡️ Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY9MdoDdxoQ
#Elite #DavidBraben #IanBell #AcornSoft #Firebird #BBCMicro #AtariST #RetroGaming
I wonder if the copy I had as a kid didn't have the novel.
It's amazing to think that such a game could fit on a single-sided floppy disk 😮 (720 KB!)
🧵 2/
#Elite #DavidBraben #IanBell #Firebird #AtariST #RetroGaming #BigBoxGames #OpenWorld
But the 'Quick Key Control Guide' is in French.
The Ian Bell's Elite pages host every published version of Elite (and demos of unreleased ports) : http://www.elitehomepage.org/index.htm