Today's lesson is on DEI. I know some of you thought it was just about brown and black people, women,but surprise! It affects white people too.
Were you ever diagnosed with ADD OCD, ADHD, Dyslexic, have a traumatic brain injury?
Overweight, underweight, any physical deformity?
Were you ever diagnosed with ADD OCD, ADHD, Dyslexic, have a traumatic brain injury?
Overweight, underweight, any physical deformity?
Can you read and write?
If you're pregnant or your wife is pregnant and even if she has no complications, or gives are not covered, you can be fired or not hired.
Sick,or have a family member who is ill they don't have to hire you,
Are you a Senior Citizen? Looking for a job? Even if you are qualified, they have every right to not hire,or fire you.
There is so much more to this than satisfying a racist whim.
These are just a few of the what ifs.
Veterans, and their
So as some sit back smugly,the thing that comes to mind is, Be careful with what you wish for. Thank you for attending my Ted talk.
Pass it to a Maga.