If they do that MAGA will even put Trump, Vance and the Repukes into finding caves to hide in and Musk will have to live on the moon with his nose picking kid.
I'm sorry, that's not how it works. Social Security is a "pay it forward" system. Each working generation supports the old age of the previous working generation. You could call it part of the Social Contract that civilized cultures adhere to.
You know that. I know that. Do you think it should be shut down? We paid into it with the faith that it would continue. Whomever wants to shut it down needs to compensate all those who paid in…
Social Security is actually an excellent program that has been a lifeline for elderly, disabled, and survivors for a century. Republicans have wanted to destroy it since it was conceived and have propagandized it since day 1. And tried to kill it. Just like all social support programs.
Nah bc the generation getting money rn is the generation that has left everyone else without affordable housing, healthcare, affordable food, or human rights after getting all that their whole lives.
That's a myth, mostly. Boomers fall statistically pretty much the same as other generations, except with a bigger middle class. It's not our fault middle class narrowed, it's Rs during Reagan, deregulation, etc. Look at the huge transfer of wealth after 1980. We didn't do that. The rich did.
Save social security! We can flip two U.S. House seats in Florida April 1. Help call Voters To Re-Enroll In Vote-By-Mail today. Call from anywhere in the U.S. until 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT. https://www.mobilize.us/gayforcongress/event/758405/
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
There's nothing wrong with SS that raising the tax ceiling won't fix. We did it in the 80s and we can do it again. Just politicians are scared to.
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
Plus Interest!